Our Advisory Council
A common “think big” requires a broad and solid basis. We have decided to back-up Mobility Allstars with the expertise of professional and personal companions as well as newly acquired experts.
Dr. Olga Nevska

is CEO of Telekom MobilitySolutions, where she is responsible for the transformation of Germany’s second-largest corporate fleet into an innovative mobility provider. Olga studied economics and law and did her doctorate in economics at the University of Berlin. After working for the German Bundestag, Roland Berger and Axel Springer she joined Deutsche Telekom in 2009. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of T-Mobile Czech Republic and a guest lecturer at the University of St. Gallen.
Olga stands for sustainable, shared and connected mobility, which can only be achieved through rigorous digitization. Corporate mobility is for her one of the main drivers of the mobility turnaround. Her agenda includes sharing and pooling solutions and the development of an innovative digital mobility platform. This platform connects numerous transport providers and offers attractive bundle products that facilitate the switch to shared mobility for everyone. Olga was named one of the 100 Women Advancing Germany by Handelsblatt. In May 2022, she was chosen as one of the “40 over 40 – Germany’s most inspiring women 2022”.
Dr. Stefan Carsten

is a futurologist and urban geographer, combines the topics of future, city and mobility in his work. The future is the perspective and method used to question and uncover current urban, mobility and living environments. This is done with the aim of shaping a better, sustainable society with the help of futurology and futures consulting.
From 1997-2013 he was project manager for futurology and environmental research at Daimler AG in Berlin, where he designed new mobility services such as car2go and moovel, and from 2007-2014 he was a visiting professor at the University of Fine Arts in Braunschweig. Since 2014, he has been an independent futurologist in research, consulting and teaching. He is currently on the advisory board of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport for “Strategic Guidelines for Public Transport in Germany”, on the advisory board of the Reallabor Radbahn and the municipal housing company Howoge in Berlin.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Knie

is a scientist with focus on politics at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) and a professor at the Technical University (TU) Berlin. At the WZB, he founded together with Dr. habil. Weert Canzler the research group “Digital Mobility and Social Differentiation”. Prior to that he was research group leader of the “Science Policy” team. Since June 2018 he has been Head of Scientific Development (CSO) at Choice GmbH. In 2006, Andreas Knie founded the Innovation Center for Mobility and Social Change GmbH (InnoZ). In addition, from 2001 to 2016 he was Head of Intermodal Services and Business Development at Deutsche Bahn AG. Andreas Knie also works as an advisor for municipalities and organizations on the topics of transport, mobility, digitization and sustainability. He is the author of various books and an expert on mobility in the media.
Research interests:
Traffic and Mobility Research | Technology Policy | Science Policy | Innovation Research
Dr. Christoph Wolff

is the Global Head of Mobility and Member of the Executive Committee at the World Economic Forum since June 2018. He oversees the Forum’s work with Partners from the Automotive, Supply Chain, Aerospace and Aviation, Travel and Tourism sectors. He is leading the Forum’s System Initiative on “Shaping the Future of Mobility” which strives to achieve mobility of goods and people that is safe, clean and inclusive, and includes projects on the transition to “Autonomous, Shared and Electric Mobility,” “Drones and Tomorrow’s Airspace” and “Security in Travel”. Prior to his role at the Forum, Christoph served as Managing Director of the European Climate Foundation, delivering policy solutions for EU and Member State Governments in decarbonizing the energy, transport, cities and energy-intensive industries.