Our founding team

We were able to get to know and appreciate each other in various mobility projects. As a team we have many years of extensive expertise in all fields of mobility. Personally and in terms of content, we are quite different – exactly the way we imagine Mobility Allstars: Different characters, experiences and careers united in a common vision: Accelerating the mobility transformation in order to improve quality of life and the attractiveness of the location. As founding members and as board members, we take up the challenge – individually and in a powerful combination!

Claus Grunow

Fraport’s Head of Strategy and Digitalization, is an expert in regards to all modes of mobility. The passion to transform business models and to design new, user-centered mobility offers is what drives him. Claus is convinced that the mobility market is one of the markets that will change the most in the next 20 years – for both users and businesses.

Björn Bender

Mobility enthusiast and President & CEO of the global travel tech company Rail Europe, headquartered in Paris, has been dealing with constantly changing customer needs in mobility for 20 years. His extensive knowledge of the industry ranges from aviation and rail to new mobility as well as innovation and tech. Björn is convinced that the mobility transition can only be thought, achieved and implemented in common.

Christoph Werneke

Vice President Germany at RGP, has dedicated himself to the most varied mobility projects with great passion for many years. He always keeps an eye on people and their quality of life. Speed ​​drives him and the more dynamic the environment, the more comfortable he feels. Christoph believes that in 20 years’ time mobility will no longer be comparable to today’s mobility.